When life’s circumstances seem to trap you, squeezing you in
their grip, applying increasing pressure and demanding a response to questions
that are bombarding your universe like incoming meteors, everything gets messy.
We feel out of control (as if we ever were). Death, disease, disability,
discouragement, depression, disorientation or disaster - and these are just the
things that start with the D - threaten our daily existence. We find ourselves
scrambling for cover, digging a foxhole, curling up in a ball, or hiding our
eyes to shut out the fear, the pain, the inevitability.
“Just leave me alone!”, we shout to no one and nothing in
particular. Can’t we just make it all go away? Can’t we just fix it?
The answer is “No”. We might be able to deny the situations
we face for a while. Difficulties might be delayed somewhat. But ultimately, we
must deal with the tough stuff, face our fears, fight back, accept suffering
and sacrifice as necessary, or at least inescapable, parts of living.
Lately, too many friends are being confronted by the
harshest of realities; difficulties from divorce to dying, and a veritable invasion
of other sad events. Sometimes, like missiles, these struggles come in
clusters, as if the destruction caused by one is not enough.
When it all seems too much, too hard, where do we turn? The Greek philosopher Epictetus said,
"We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how
we respond to them". But let me
add, doing life alone, especially in the crucible when heat and pressure
so easily overwhelm, is not the answer.
We are designed for interdependence, relationship,
community. We cannot hope to prevail on our own. We need to share the burdens,
the pain and the tragedy, especially when they don’t make sense. We need the
freedom to ask” Why”, while knowing that there is no obvious answer. We need
caring listeners to be our mirror. We need allies to help us fight back,
maintain the hope regardless of the odds. But in the process we must risk being
misunderstood, rejected, and disappointed by others. After all, we are far from
perfect ourselves.